Anatomy Trains Structural Integration or ATSI can be seen as a course in becoming reacquainted with the body in motion.
Most of us have collected extra tension through the course of our lives either from injury or surgery, or imitating our parents or heroes. These injuries and tensions form patterns within the body.
While exercise often helps, most of this patterning happens below our conscious awareness and becomes part of who we are. These patterns of chronic stress become written in to our muscular tensions, or skeletal form, and in to the connective tissue called fascia.
The ATSI approach is used to free binding and shortening of connective tissue, or what we refer to as the fascial network. This approach to myofascial release is designed to re-educate the body in efficient and energy sustaining pattern for ease of movement.
What to Expect
This work is intended to be experienced as a series. Each session begins with an assessment of posture, gait, and other movements.
You are an active participant during each session. The fascial techniques call for specific participant movements to facilitate shear and differential movement between the layers of tissues, this helps open and release fascial adhesions. There will be opportunities to stand, walk and move in different ways to feel the changes that are taking place.
Twelve 90-minute sessions scheduled 1-2 weeks apart
Client actively participates during the session, standing, walking, moving, breathing
Participant communicates level of sensation to ensure comfort
Session performed with participant on a massage table, sitting on a bench, or standing
Slow, deep, lengthening and opening of the body's fascial network
Movement re-education to create new patterns and awareness
What to Wear
Loose fitting shorts, sports bra
No perfumes, creams, oils or lotions
The 12 Sessions
The 12 Series is unique to Anatomy Trains Structural Integration. In this series, we systematically work through the myofascial meridians, or fascial lines of the body, as mapped by Tom Myers. Each session builds upon the last, slowly reorganizing whole body structure and balance, and creating space for new body awareness.
The first four sessions work through the superficial lines, followed by four deep "core" sessions, and is then completed with four integration sessions.
This series does not focus on specific symptoms or areas of pain. The 12 Series considers the whole body pattern's contribution to pain and tension.
Please read the PDF document prior to your first session.